Day 9 - Into Yosemite
Day 9
Scotts Valley, CA to Hogdon Meadow, Yosemite
We got a later start than we wanted, but knew we had lots of time. As we headed north out of Scotts Valley, we were both astounded at the level of traffic. When Ron moved to Scotts Valley, it had one stop sign. I remember it slightly more advanced - stop lights and a shopping center.
We followed CA Hwy 9 through the San Lorenzo Valley, Brookdale and Boulder Creek, still
struggling with heavy traffic. As we neared CA Hwy 35, Skyline Blvd, we finally got a break and traffic thinned out. We spent many a Sunday in years past riding up Skyline to Alice's Restaurant, a local hangout for motorcyclists on Sunday. We stopped for lunch and quickly realized that the secret is out, and everyone knows about Alice's now.
After lunch and some obligatory parking lot trolling,
we headed east over the San Francisco Bay and through the baking hot central valley. I saw 105 in Manteca. As we moved up into the higher altitudes,
I was rewarded again with the incredible aroma of evergreens and lower temperatures. We camped in Hogdon Valley, a camp at the northern entrance. 

After setting up camp, we rode down into Yosemite Valley for some fine pizza at Currey's. On the way back to camp, we pulled over to gaze at the incredible carpet of stars on display in the blackness above the valley floor. I don't know if I have ever seen that many stars, and I know for sure I haven't in a very long time, if I ever did.
Yosemite is a magical place, and I never tire of going back.
Scotts Valley, CA to Hogdon Meadow, Yosemite
We got a later start than we wanted, but knew we had lots of time. As we headed north out of Scotts Valley, we were both astounded at the level of traffic. When Ron moved to Scotts Valley, it had one stop sign. I remember it slightly more advanced - stop lights and a shopping center.
We followed CA Hwy 9 through the San Lorenzo Valley, Brookdale and Boulder Creek, still

After lunch and some obligatory parking lot trolling,

After setting up camp, we rode down into Yosemite Valley for some fine pizza at Currey's. On the way back to camp, we pulled over to gaze at the incredible carpet of stars on display in the blackness above the valley floor. I don't know if I have ever seen that many stars, and I know for sure I haven't in a very long time, if I ever did.
Yosemite is a magical place, and I never tire of going back.
Just a note to let you know that I am watching, somewhat sporatic, but watching. Sounds like you guys are having another great time. The home front is well but HOT, 104 today. Ya'll be careful!!
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