Friday, September 18, 2009

Once more into the breech ...

I have not posted on this blog in over three years. It was originally conceived as an online diary of a motorcycle trip I took with a dear old friend. I really enjoyed the experience of writing it, and occasionally thought about continuing it, but never took the time until now.

I've been inspired by a couple of friends' efforts and decided the process of writing might help ease some of the stress I find myself dealing with of late.

When I last wrote, I had just returned from an extensive motorcycle trip from Arkansas to California and back. I must sadly report that I have not managed anything of the sort since then ... I did ride up to Kansas City with my friend John in May of 2009, but nothing on the scale of my 2006 trip. I really should take the time - it is so cathartic, so therapeutic .... motorcycle touring is absolutely the most fun you can have with your clothes on. I have stayed almost manically focused on my goals in school - knowing full well that if I do not, I will never achieve the rather lofty goal I set for myself back in the summer of 2004. At that time, I had just been laid off and was in serious need of a new direction. After many weeks of research and thought, I decided that I was going to return to college and become an RN, with an ultimate goal of becoming a CRNA - a nurse anesthetist.

I formulated a three-tiered plan, which I shared with my now ex-wife (who incidentally, is an RN). The reply? "I don't think you can do it."

Meet Matt Lewis, RN. Pleased to make your acquaintance. In December, we can change that to Matt Lewis, RN, BSN. Phase 2 will be complete and I'll start preparing for the last stage.

It has been a long, tough road. Most of my friends are making retirement plans and enjoying being at the peak of their careers. I, (by my own choice, mind you) have started over in a field with a long steep learning curve, and the perfectionist that I am struggles mightily with being a beginner all over again. A mistake on my part could kill someone.

Want some expertise? Ask me anything about music or motorcycles. I KNOW that stuff. I work with some brilliant doctors and nurses, most of whom are extraordinarily gifted ..... and I am SO frustrated that I can't cram enough knowledge in my head fast enough to be really good at this - yet. When I look at how far I have come since I started, I know I will get there .... I just want it NOW.

Now back to the books.

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Blogger TRye said...

You can, you doubt!

11:50 AM  
Blogger beachcomber said...

Welcome back Matt. I've very impressed with your progress and steely determination to complete your goal. REALLY impressed! Your ex obviously didn't know you very well.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous alannabanana said...

Hi Matt - managed to take a little time this afternoon and read your blog. I totally enjoyed your story of friendship and adventure, and having been to many of the places you visited on your trip, I felt transported to those places once again as I read. You definitely have a gift for sharing your experience in a 3-dimensional way and I urge you to continue writing when you can....especially if it helps ease your stress. Keep the magic coming!

8:10 PM  
Blogger Indie said...

I am proud of you, Matt, for believing in yourself and seeing it through. I can empathize with some of this too, as you know.
So great to READ you; glad you're blogging!!

6:29 PM  

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